
class so_pysm_models.InterpolatingComponent(path, input_units, target_nside, interpolation_kind='linear', has_polarization=True, pixel_indices=None, mpi_comm=None, verbose=False)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

PySM component interpolating between precomputed maps

See more details at

path : str

Path should contain maps named as the frequency in GHz e.g. 20.fits or 20.5.fits or 00100.fits

input_units : str

Any unit available in PySM (see pysm.convert_units e.g. Jysr, MJsr, uK_RJ, K_CMB).

target_nside : int

HEALPix NSIDE of the output maps

has_polarization : bool

whether or not to simulate also polarization maps

pixel_indices : ndarray of ints

Outputs partial maps given HEALPix pixel indices in RING ordering

mpi_comm : mpi4py communicator

See the documentation of pysm.read_map

verbose : bool

Control amount of output

Methods Summary

signal(nu, **kwargs) Return map at given frequency or array of frequencies

Methods Documentation

get_filenames(path)[source] [edit on github]
read_map(freq)[source] [edit on github]
signal(nu, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Return map at given frequency or array of frequencies