
class so_pysm_models.PrecomputedAlms(filename, input_units='uK_CMB', input_reference_frequency=None, nside=None, precompute_output_map=True, has_polarization=True, map_dist=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: pysm.models.template.Model

Generic component based on Precomputed Alms

Load a set of Alms from a FITS file and generate maps at the requested resolution and frequency assuming the CMB black body spectrum. A single set of Alms is used for all frequencies requested by PySM, consider that PySM expects the output of components to be in uK_RJ.

See more details at


Path to the input Alms in FITS format


Input unit strings as defined by pysm.convert_units, e.g. K_CMB, uK_RJ, MJysr

input_reference_frequency: float

If input units are K_RJ or Jysr, the reference frequency


HEALPix NSIDE of the output maps


If True (default), Alms are transformed into a map in the constructor, if False, the object only stores the Alms and generate the map at each call of the signal method, this is useful to generate maps convolved with different beams


whether or not to simulate also polarization maps Default: True

Methods Summary

compute_output_map(self, alm)

get_emission(self, freqs, fwhm, None] = None)

Return map in uK_RJ at given frequency or array of frequencies

Methods Documentation

compute_output_map(self, alm)[source] [edit on github]
get_emission(self, freqs: Unit("GHz"), fwhm: [Unit("arcmin"), None] = None, weights=None) -> Unit("uK_RJ")[source] [edit on github]

Return map in uK_RJ at given frequency or array of frequencies

freqslist or ndarray

Frequency or frequencies in GHz at which compute the signal

fwhmfloat (optional)

Smooth the input alms before computing the signal, this can only be used if the class was initialized with precompute_output_map to False.


Output units, as defined in pysm.convert_units, by default this is “uK_RJ” as expected by PySM.


Output maps array with the shape (num_freqs, 1 or 3 (I or IQU), npix)