Source code for so_pysm_models.dust

import numpy as np

import healpy as hp

import math

from . import laws
from . import filter_utils

try:  # PySM >= 3.2.1
    import pysm3.units as u
    import pysm3 as pysm
except ImportError:
    import pysm.units as u
    import pysm

[docs]class GaussianDust(pysm.Model): def __init__( self, nside, has_polarization=True, pixel_indices=None, TT_amplitude=350.0, Toffset=18.0, EE_amplitude=100.0, rTE=0.35, EtoB=0.5, alpha=-0.42, beta=1.53, temp=19.6, nu_0=353, seed=None, map_dist=None, ): """Gaussian dust model See more details at Parameters ---------- nside : int HEALPix NSIDE of the output maps has_polarization : bool whether or not to simulate also polarization maps Default: True pixel_indices : ndarray of ints Outputs partial maps given HEALPix pixel indices in RING ordering TT_amplitude : float amplitude of synchrotron TT power spectrum (D_ell) at at the reference frequency and ell=80, in muK^2 and thermodinamic units. Default: 350. from the amplitude of PySM-d0 dust model at 353GHz in the region covered by SO-SAT. Toffset : float offset to be applied to the temperature map in muK in RJ units. Default: 18 from the mean value of the T PySM-s0 synch map at 23GHz in the region covered by SO-SAT EE_amplitude : float Amplitude of EE modes D_ell at reference frequency at ell=80 Default: 100. from the amplitude of HFI-353 E-modes spectrum in the region covered by SO-SAT EtoB: float ratio between E and B-mode amplitude for dust. Default: 0.5 from Planck 2018 IX alpha : same as alpha_sync for dust. Default: -0.42 from Planck 2018 IX beta : float dust spectral index. Default: 1.53 from Planck 2018 IX temp : float dust temperature. Default: 19.6 from Planck 2018 IX nu0 : float dust reference frequency in GHz. Default: 353 seed : int seed for random realization of map Default: None """ super().__init__(nside=nside, map_dist=map_dist) self.has_polarization = has_polarization self.TT_amplitude = TT_amplitude self.Toffset = Toffset self.EE_amplitude = EE_amplitude self.EtoB = EtoB self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.temp = temp self.nu_0 = nu_0 self.seed = seed
[docs] @u.quantity_input def get_emission(self, freqs: u.GHz, weights=None) -> u.uK_RJ: """Return map in uK_RJ at given frequency or array of frequencies""" nu = pysm.check_freq_input(freqs) assert ( len(nu) == 1 ), "Bandpass integration not implemented in Gaussian emissions" nell = 3 * self.nside ell = np.arange(nell) dl_prefac = 2 * np.pi / ((ell + 0.01) * (ell + 1)) clZERO = np.zeros_like(ell) clTT_dust = ( dl_prefac * self.TT_amplitude * ((ell + 0.1) / 80.0) ** self.alpha * laws.black_body_cmb(self.nu_0) ** 2 ) clTT_dust[0] = 0.0 clEE_dust = ( dl_prefac * self.EE_amplitude * ((ell + 0.1) / 80.0) ** self.alpha * laws.black_body_cmb(self.nu_0) ** 2 ) BB_amplitude = self.EE_amplitude * self.EtoB clBB_dust = ( dl_prefac * BB_amplitude * ((ell + 0.1) / 80.0) ** self.alpha * laws.black_body_cmb(self.nu_0) ** 2 ) if self.seed == None: mseed = np.random.randint(0, 2 ** 32) else: mseed = self.seed np.random.seed(mseed) if self.nside <= 64: nside_temp = self.nside else: nside_temp = 64 amp_dust = np.array( hp.synfast( [clTT_dust, clEE_dust, clBB_dust, clZERO, clZERO, clZERO], nside_temp, pol=True, new=True, verbose=False, ) ) amp_dust[0] = amp_dust[0] + self.Toffset lbreak_TT = 2 while np.any(amp_dust[0] < 0): clTT_dust[1:lbreak_TT] = clTT_dust[lbreak_TT] np.random.seed(mseed) amp_dust = np.array( hp.synfast( [clTT_dust, clEE_dust, clBB_dust, clZERO, clZERO, clZERO], nside_temp, pol=True, new=True, verbose=False, ) ) amp_dust[0] = amp_dust[0] + self.Toffset lbreak_TT += 1 if self.nside > 64: low_pass_filter = filter_utils.create_low_pass_filter( l1=30, l2=60, lmax=64 * 3 - 1 ) high_pass_filter = filter_utils.create_high_pass_filter( l1=30, l2=60, lmax=nell - 1 ) clTT_dust_hpf = clTT_dust * high_pass_filter amp_dust[0] = filter_utils.apply_filter(amp_dust[0], low_pass_filter) np.random.seed(mseed) amp_dust_hell = np.array( hp.synfast( [clTT_dust_hpf, clEE_dust, clBB_dust, clZERO, clZERO, clZERO], self.nside, pol=True, new=True, verbose=False, ) ) amp_dust = hp.ud_grade(amp_dust, self.nside) amp_dust[1:3] = amp_dust[1:3] * 0.0 amp_dust += amp_dust_hell min_map = np.min(amp_dust[0]) if min_map < 0: Toffset_add = math.ceil(-min_map) amp_dust[0] += Toffset_add spec_dust = laws.modified_black_body(nu, self.nu_0, self.beta, self.temp) out = amp_dust[None, :, :] * spec_dust[:, None, None] # the output of out is always 3D, (num_freqs, IQU, npix), if num_freqs is one # we return only a 2D array. return out[0] << u.uK_RJ